How to use CMake with fw4spl ?


Fw4spl and its dependencies are built with CMake . Note that the minimal version of cmake to have is 3.9.

Each project (apps, bundles, libs) has two “CMake” files:


The CMakeLists.txt should contain at least the function fwLoadProperties() to load the Properties.cmake. But it can also contain others functions useful to link with external libraries.

Here is an example of CMakeLists.txt from guiQt Bundle :


find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets REQUIRED)




The first line fwLoadProperties() will load the Properties.cmake (see explanation in the next section).

The next lines allows to compile with the support of some external libraries (fw4spl-deps), in this example this is Qt. The first thing to do is to discover where Qt is installed. This is done with the regular CMake command find_package(The_lib COMPONENTS The_component). Then we use fwInclude to add includes directories to the target, and fwLink to link the libraries with your target. Actually if you’re accustomed to CMake these two macros are strictly equivalent to:

target_include_directories( ${FWPROJECT_NAME} SYSTEM PRIVATE ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Gui_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Widgets_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
target_link_libraries( ${FWPROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${Qt5Core_LIBRARIES} ${Qt5Gui_LIBRARIES} ${Qt5Widgets_LIBRARIES} )

They are proposed as a convenience so people won’t forget for instance to specify SYSTEM, which prevents compilation warnings from third-part libraries to be displayed. If the rare case where your bundle may be a dependency of an another one, you can forward the include directories and the libraries with fwForwardInclude and fwForwardLink, which are still equivalent to target_include_directories and target_link_libraries CMake commands but with PUBLIC set instead of PRIVATE.

Eventually, you can also add custom properties to your target with set_target_properties.


Properties.cmake should contain informations like name, version, dependencies and requirements of the current target.

Here is an example of Properties.cmake from fwData library:

set( NAME fwData )
set( VERSION 0.1 )
set( DEPENDENCIES fwCom fwMemory fwTools )
Name of the target
Version of the target

Define the type of the target:

  • APP for an “Application”
  • BUNDLE for a “bundle”
  • LIBRARY for a “library”
  • EXECUTABLE for an executable
Link the target with the given libraries (see target_link_libraries ). The DEPENDENCIES should contain only “library”.
Ensure that the dependencies are built before the targets (see add_dependencies ). The REQUIREMENTS should contain only “bundles”.

In some Properties.cmake (mostly in applications), you can see the line:

bundleParam(appXml PARAM_LIST config PARAM_VALUES tutoBasicConfig)

This CMake macro allows to give parameters to a bundle. The parameters are defined like:

            PARAM_LIST <param1_name> <param2_name> <param3_name>
            PARAM_VALUES <param1_value> <param2_value> <param3_value>

These parameters can be retrieved in the Plugin.cpp like:

void Plugin::start()
    if( this->getBundle()->hasParameter("param1_name") )
        const std::string param1Value = this->getBundle()->getParameterValue("param1_name");
    if( this->getBundle()->hasParameter("param2_name") )
        const std::string param2Value = this->getBundle()->getParameterValue("param2_name");
    // ...

For the application, this macro defines the main configuration to launch when the application is started.