
This repository contains functionalities for augmented reality. It is hosted on GitHub.


This repository brings features for Augmented Reality:

  • webcam, network video and local video playing based on QtMultimedia,
  • mono and stereo camera calibration,
  • ArUco optical markers tracking,
  • openIGTLink support through clients and servers services,
  • TimeLine data, allowing to store buffers of various data (video, matrices, markers, etc…). These can be used to synchronize these data accross time.



ARCalibration is a user-friendly application to calibrate mono and stereo cameras. This software is a must-have since camera calibration is a mandatory step in any AR application.


Mono camera intrinsic calibration.


Stereo camera extrinsic calibration.


Name Concept
Ex01VideoTracking Basic marker tracking on a video
Ex02TimeLine Basic producer-consumer pattern sample with timeLine data
Ex03Igtl Example of some of the openIGTLink features
Ex04SimpleARCV AR using a given transform matrix to register a mesh on a camera view
Ex05FrameByFrame Play a video frame by frame
Ex06RGBDStream Play a RGBD stream (from a RGBD camera or recorded images)
ExSolvePnP Register a mesh on a video using SolvePnp (with user interaction)
ExStereoARCV Stereo AR using a given transform matrix to register a mesh on a camera view
ExVideoRecorder Record a video