Installation for Linux

Prerequisites for Linux users

If not already installed:

  1. Install git
  2. Install gcc The minimal version required is 4.8 or clang The minimal version required is 3.5
  3. Install Python 2.7
  4. Install CMake. The minimal version required is 3.7 if you want to compile with precompiled headers (build twice faster, enabled by default). Otherwise you can use a 3.1 version.
  5. Install Ninja

Depending on which linux distribution you use, for example on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint you can run the following command to download and install these tools:

$ apt-get install build-essential ninja-build python2.7 git cmake


If the CMake version of your distribution is not sufficient (Mint 17 for instance ships only the 2.18 version), you can easily grab it on the Kitware website. Download the binary version (much easier than compiling yourself), extract it to a folder (i.e. /home/login/software/cmake/) and add the bin/ folder inside it to your PATH environment variable:

# ~/.bashrc
export PATH=/home/login/software/cmake/bin:$PATH

Few basic development libraries need to be installed first: zlib, iconv, jpeg, png, tiff, freetype, libxml, expat, and icu. On Mint 18.x for instance, you can install them using the following command :

$ sudo apt-get install libz3-dev libiconv-hook-dev libpng12-dev \
  libjpeg-turbo8-dev libtiff5-dev libfreetype6-dev libxml2-dev \
  libexpat1-dev libicu-dev

Next, we also need to install specific development libraries for Qt. These requirements are detailed here:

Follow the instructions there to install the necessary packages on your system for Build essentials, libxcb and QtMultimedia. For the latter, please note that we use gstreamer-1.0 by default, so please replace libgstreamer0.10-dev and libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev by libgstreamer1.0-dev and libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev. You can safely ignore instructions for QtWebKit and QtWebEngine, we don’t build them. Since we build Qt with openssl support you also need to install libssl-dev (be sure that the version is equal or upper to 1.0.0). libudev-dev and libusb-1.0.0-dev are required by the OpenNI library. Last for VTK we also need the X Toolkit Intrinsics library headers, that you can easily install for instance on a Debian-based distribution with the packages libxt-dev, libxrandr-dev and libxaw7-dev.

If you are building the dependencies with the fw4spl-ext-deps additional dependencies, the VLC libraries are also needed, regarding to streaming capabilities, and thus the packages: libvlc-dev, libvlccore-dev and vlc-nox, are required.

Finally, please note that we provide Dockerfile at this link. The commands for dependency installation are provided there.

FW4SPL installation

Good practices in FW4SPL recommend to separate source files, build and install folders. So to prepare the development environment:

  • Create a development folder (Dev)

  • Create a build folder (Dev/Build)

    • Add a sub folder for Debug and Release.
  • Create a source folder (Dev/Src)

  • Create an install folder (Dev/Install)

    • Add a sub folder for Debug and Release.

To prepare the third party environment:

  • Create a third party folder (BinPkgs)

  • Create a build folder (BinPkgs/Build)

    • Add a sub folder for Debug and Release.
  • Create a source folder (BinPkgs/Src)

  • Create an install folder (BinPkgs/Install)

    • Add a sub folder for Debug and Release.

Of course you can name the folders as you wish, or choose a different layout, but keep in mind to not build inside the source directory. This is strongly discouraged by CMake authors.


First, we need to build the third-party librairies. We will now fetch the scripts that allow to build them and then launch the compilation.

  • Clone the following repository in the (BinPkgs/Src) source folder:

$ cd Dev/BinPkgs/Src
$ git clone


Optional: You can also clone this extension repository: fw4spl-ext-deps

You’ll need it if you want to add extension to fw4spl (like fw4spl-ar).

  • Ensure that all the cloned repositories are on the same branch.
  • Update the cloned repositories to the lastest stable tag.
  • Go into your Build directory (Debug or Release) : here is an example if you want to compile in DEBUG
$ cd Dev/BinPkgs/Build/Debug

Dependencies configuration

To build the dependencies, you must configure the project with CMake into the Build folder. As any CMake based project, there are three different ways to perform that.


All the generation options are specified in ‘Dependencies generation’

1. Command-line

In this case, you give all the necessary variables on the command-line in one shot :

$ cd Dev/BinPkgs/Build/Debug
$ cmake ../../Src/fw4spl-deps -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=Dev/BinPkgs/Install/Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

Or, if you cloned the fw4spl-ext-deps :

$ cd Dev/BinPkgs/Build/Debug
$ cmake ../../Src/fw4spl-deps -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=Dev/BinPkgs/Install/Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DADDITIONAL_DEPS=Dev/Src/fw4spl-ext-deps
2. NCurses based editor

This editor allows to set the required each variable in a more interactive way :

$ cd Dev/BinPkgs/Build/Debug
$ ccmake ../../Src/fw4spl-deps

Then change the following CMake variables:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: set the install location, here Deps/BinPkgs/Install/Debug
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: set the build type ‘Debug’ or ‘Release’
  • ADDITIONAL_DEPS: you can leave it empty, it is only needed if you have an extra source location like fw4spl-ext-deps or a custom repository.

Press “c” to configure.

3. Qt based gui
$ cd ~/Dev/BinPkgs/Build/Debug
$ cmake-gui ../../Src/fw4spl-deps

Like ccmake, change the following CMake variables:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: set the install location, here ~/Deps/Install/Debug
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: set the build type ‘Debug’ or ‘Release’
  • ADDITIONAL_DEPS: you can leave it empty, it is only needed if you have an extra source location like fw4spl-ext-deps or a custom repository.

Click on “configure”.

Dependencies generation


ENABLE_PCL, ENABLE_LIBSGM and ENABLE_OPENCV_CUDA require the Cuda library, if you intend to use one of these, you should install it before.

Set the following options (some of the options will be needed for the optional source):

  • ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_DEPS: set to ON to build experimentals libraries (You shouldn’t use it).
  • ENABLE_INFINITAM: set to ON to build infinitam.
  • ENABLE_LIBSGM: set to ON to build libSGM dependencies.
  • ENABLE_ODIL: set to ON to build Odil dependencies.
  • ENABLE_OGRE: set to ON to build ogre.
  • ENABLE_OPENCV_CONTRIB: set to ON to build OpenCV contrib extra modules.
  • ENABLE_OPENCV_CUDA: set to ON to build OpenCV with CUDA support.
  • ENABLE_OPEN_MP: set to ON to enable OpenMP.
  • ENABLE_BUILD_ORB_SLAM2: set to ON to build ORB Slam 2.
  • ENABLE_PCL: set to ON to build PCL.
  • ENABLE_PCL_CUDA: set to ON to build PCL with CUDA support.
  • ENABLE_REALSENSE: set to ON to build librealsense.
  • ENABLE_SOFA: set to ON to build sofa.

Generate the code by pressing “g” on NCurses based editor or click on “generate” on gui.


Do not compile debug and release with the same Build and Install folders. If you followed the recommended folder layout, this should be fine.

Dependencies build

Now you can compile the FW4SPL dependencies with make in the console, it will automaticaly download, build and install each dependency.

$ cd Dev\BinPkgs\Build\Debug
# Adjust the number of cores depending of the CPU cores and the RAM available on your computer
$ make -j4 install


Do NOT use ninja to compile the dependencies, it causes conflict with qt compilation.

If you get compilation errors at this step, please ensure you installed all the requirements, especially those for Qt.


  • Clone the following repositories in the (Dev/Src) source folder:
$ cd Dev/Src
$ git clone


  • Optional: You can also clone these extension repositories:
  • Ensure that all the cloned repositories are on the same branch.
  • Update the cloned repositories to the same tag.
  • Go into your Build directory (Debug or Release) : here is an example if you want to compile in debug:
$ cd Dev/Build/Debug
  • Open the cmake-gui.

Now you have to configure the project. You can use one of the three tools explained above.

Also, for FW4SPL, we recommend to use the Ninja generator. It builds faster, and is much better for everyday use because of how fast it is at figuring out which files need to be built. In other words, with Ninja the compilation starts instantly whereas Make spends a dozen of seconds to check what should be compiled before actually compiling something. So if you plan to develop with FW4SPL, go with Ninja. If you only want to give a single try, you can live with the standard “Unix Makefiles” generator.

Source configuration

1. NCurses based editor

To use make, here with ccmake :

$ cd Dev/Build/Debug
$ ccmake ../../Src/fw4spl

To use ninja :

$ cd Dev/Build/Debug
$ ccmake -G Ninja ../../Src/fw4spl
  • Change the following cmake arguments
    • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: set the install location (~/Dev/Install/Debug or Release)
    • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: set to Debug or Release
    • EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES: set the install path of the third party libraries you compiled earlier.(ex : ~/Dev/Install/Debug)
    • PROJECTS_TO_BUILD: set the list of the projects you want to build (ex: VRRender, Tuto01Basic …), each project should be separated by “;”
    • PROJECTS_TO_INSTALL: set the name of the application to install
  • Press “c” to configure and then “g” to generate the makefiles.
2. Qt based gui
$ cd Dev/Build/Debug
$ cmake-gui ../../Src/fw4spl-deps
  • Change the following CMake variables:
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: set the install location, here ~/Dev/Install/Debug
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: set the build type ‘Debug’ or ‘Release’
  • ADDITIONAL_DEPS: you can leave it empty, it is only needed if you have an extra source location like fw4spl-ext-deps or a custom repository.
  • Click on “configure”.
  • Change the following cmake arguments
    • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: set the install location (~/Dev/Install/Debug or Release)
    • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: set to Debug or Release
    • EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES: set the install path of the third party libraries you compiled earlier.(ex : ~/Deps/Install/Debug)
    • PROJECTS_TO_BUILD: set the list of the projects you want to build (ex: VRRender, Tuto01Basic …), each project should be separated by “;”
    • PROJECTS_TO_INSTALL: set the name of the application to install


  • If PROJECTS_TO_BUILD is empty, all application will be compiled
  • If PROJECTS_TO_INSTALL is empty, no application will be installed

Click on “generate”.


To generate the projects in release mode, change CMake argument CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release both for fw4spl and fw4spl-deps

Source Build

Then, according to the generator you chose, build FW4SPL with make :

$ cd Dev/Build/Debug
# Adjust the number of cores depending of the CPU cores and the RAM available on your computer
$ make -j4

Or with ninja:

$ cd Dev/Build/Debug
$ ninja

If you didn’t specify anything in PROJECTS_TO_BUILD you may also build specific targets, for instance:

$ ninja Tuto01Basic VRRender

Launch an application

After a successful compilation the application can be launched with the fwlauncher program from FW4SPL. The profile.xml of the application in the build folder has to be passed as argument to the fwlauncher call in the console.

> cd Dev/Build/Debug
> ./bin/fwlauncher share/MyApplication/profile.xml


$ cd /Dev/Build/Debug
$ ./bin/fwlauncher share/VRRender_0-9/profile.xml