[Tuto01Basic] Create an application

The first tutorial represents a basic application that launches a simple empty frame.



Before reading this tutorial, you should have seen :


An application is organized around three main files :
  • CMakeLists.txt
  • Properties.cmake
  • plugin.xml


The CMakeLists is parsed by CMake. For the aplication it should contain the line :


This line allows to load Properties.cmake file.


This file describes the project information and requirements :

set( NAME Tuto01Basic ) # Name of the application
set( VERSION 0.1 ) # Version of the application
set( TYPE APP ) # Type APP represent "Application"
set( DEPENDENCIES  ) # For an application we have no dependencies (libraries to link)
set( REQUIREMENTS # The bundles used by this application
    dataReg # to load the data registry
    servicesReg # to load the service registry
    gui # to load gui
    guiQt # to load qt implementation of gui
    fwlauncher # executable to run the application
    appXml # to parse the application configuration

# Set the configuration to use : 'tutoBasicConfig'
bundleParam(appXml PARAM_LIST config PARAM_VALUES tutoBasicConfig)

This file contains the minimal requirements to launch an application with a Qt user interface.


The Properties.cmake file of the application is used by CMake to compile the application but also to generate the profile.xml: the file used to launch the application.


This file is located in the rc/ directory of the application. It defines the services to run.

<!-- Application name and version (the version is automatically replaced by CMake
     using the version defined in the Properties.cmake) -->
<plugin id="Tuto01Basic" version="@DASH_VERSION@">

    <!-- The bundles in requirements are automatically started when this
         Application is launched. -->
    <requirement id="dataReg" />
    <requirement id="servicesReg" />
    <requirement id="guiQt" />

    <!-- Defines the App-config -->
    <extension implements="::fwServices::registry::AppConfig">
        <id>tutoBasicConfig</id><!-- identifier of the configuration -->

            <!-- Frame service -->
            <service uid="myFrame" type="::gui::frame::SDefaultFrame">
                        <minSize width="800" height="600" />

            <start uid="myFrame" /><!-- start the frame service -->


The ::fwServices::registry::AppConfig extension defines the configuration of an application.

The configuration identifier.

Contains the list of objects and services used by the application.

For this tutorial, we have no object and only one service ::gui::frame::DefaultFrame.

There are others tags that will be described in the next tutorials.


To run the application, you must call the following line into the install or build directory:

bin/fwlauncher Bundles/Tuto01Basic_0-1/profile.xml