C++ coding

Source and files

Rule 4 : Files tree
Source files must be placed in a folder src/. Public header files must be placed in a folder include/. Private headers may be placed in a different location.
Rule 5 : Files hierarchy
The file hierarchy should follow the namespace hierarchy. For instance, the implementation of a class ::ns1::ns2::SService should be put in src/ns1/ns2/SService.cpp.
Rule 6 : Files extensions

Header files use the extension .hpp.

Implementation files use the extension .cpp.

Files containing implementation of “template” classes use the extension .hxx.

Recommendation 2 : Only one class per file
It is recommended to declare (or to implement) only one class per file. However tiny classes may be declared inside the same file.
Rule 7 : Includes
Use the right include directive depending on the context. #include "..." must be used to import headers from the same module, whereas #include <...> must be used to import headers from other modules.
Rule 8 : Include path
The include path is not an absolute path depending on a local file system. A correct include path does respect the letter case of the filenames and folders (since some platforms require it) and uses the character ‘/’ as a separator.
Rule 9 : Protection against multiple inclusions

You must protect your files against multiple inclusions. To this end, use the standard directives of the precompiler #ifndef and #define (since #pragma once is only supported by Microsoft compilers).

Use the name of the file and the namespace hierarchy inside the define name in order to prevent any conflict with a file which has the same name but located in a different namespace. Namespaces and file name must be separated by a single underscore _. The define name must be prefixed and suffixed by two underscores __. Last, a comment must be placed after #endif to quote the define.

#ifndef __NAMESPACEA_NAMESPACEB_SAMPLE_HPP__ // Preamble protecting against
#define __NAMESPACEA_NAMESPACEB_SAMPLE_HPP__ // multiple inclusions.

Recommendation 3 : Independent headers

A header should compile alone. All necessary includes should be contained inside the header itself. In the following sample :

// Header.hpp

class Foo
    std::string m_string;

you will be forced to include the file in this way to get a successful build :

// Source.hpp

#include <string>
#include "Header.hpp"

This is a bad practice, the header should rather be written :

// Header.hpp

#include <string>

// Header.hpp
class Foo
    std::string m_string;

So that people can simply include the header :

// Source.hpp

#include "Header.hpp"
Recommendation 4 : Minimize inclusions
Try to minimize as much as possible inclusions inside a header file. Include only what you use. Use forward declarations when you can (i.e. a type or class structure is not referenced inside the header). This will limit dependency between files and reduce compile time. Hiding the implementation can also help to minimize inclusions (see Hide implementation)
Rule 10 : Sort headers inclusions

You must sort headers in the following order : same module, framework libraries, bundles, external libraries, standard library. This way, this helps to make each header independent. The rule can be broken if a different include order is necessary to get a successful build.

#include "currentModule.hpp"

#include <libSampleB/second.hpp>
#include <libSampleA/first.hpp>
#include <libSampleB/subModule/first.hpp>

#include <Qt/QtGui>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
Recommendation 5 : Sort inclusions alphanumerically

In addition to the previous sort, you may sort includes in alphanumerical order, according to the whole path. Thus they will be grouped by module. For a better readability, an empty line can be added between each module.

#include "currentModule.hpp"

#include <libSampleA/first.hpp>
#include <libSampleB/second.hpp>

#include <libSampleB/subModule/first.hpp>
#include <libSampleB/subModule/second.hpp>

#include <Qt/QtGui>

#include <map>
#include <vector>

Naming conventions

Rule 11 : Class
Class names must be written in upper camel case. It should not repeat a namespace name. For instance ::editor::SCustomEditor should be rather called ::editor::SCustom.
Rule 12 : File
The name of the file should be based on the class name defined in it. It must follow the same letter case.
Rule 13 : Namespace

Namespaces must be written in camel case. A comment quoting the namespace must be placed next to the ending ‘}’.

namespace namespaceA
namespace namespaceB
    class Sample
} // namespace namespaceB
} // namespace namespaceA

When referring a namespace, you must put :: if this is a root namespace, with an exception for std namespace. Ex: ::boost::filesystem.

Rule 14 : Function and method names
Functions and methods names must be written in camel case.
Recommendation 6 : Correct naming of functions
Try as much as possible to help the users of your code by using comprehensive names. You may for instance help them to indicate the cost of a function. A function that executes a search to retrieve an object must not be called like a getter. In this case, it is better to call it findObjet() instead of getObject().
Rule 15 : Variable

Variable names must be written in camel case. Members of a class are prefixed with a m_.

class SampleClass
   int m_identifier;
   float m_value;

Static variables are prefixed with a s_.

static int s_staticVar;
Rule 16 : Constant

Constant variables must be written in snake_case but in capitals, and follow the previous rule.

class SampleClass
    static const int s_AAA_BBB_CCC_VALUE = 1;

void fooFunction()
    const int AAA_BBB_VAR = 1;
Rule 17 : Type

Type names, like classes, must be written in upper camel case.

typedef int CustomType;
typedef vector<int> CustomContainer;
Rule 18 : Template parameter

Template parameters must be written in capitals. In addition, they must be short and explicit.

template< class KEY, class VALUE > class SampleClass
Rule 19 : Macro

Macros without parameters must be written in capitals. On the contrary, there is no specific rule on macros with parameters.

#define CUSTOM_FLAG_A 1
#define CUSTOM_FLAG_B 1

#define CUSTOM_MACRO_A( x ) x
#define Custom_Macro_B( x ) x
#define custom_Macro_C( x ) x
#define custom_macro_d( x ) x
Rule 20 : Enumerated type

An enumerated type name must be written in upper camel case. Labels must be written in capitals. If a typedef is defined, it follows the upper camel case standard.

typedef enum SampleEnum
} SampleEnumType;
Rule 21 : Service
A service implementation is identified by a S at the beginning of the class name. Example : SCustomEditor. A service interface is identified by a I at the beginning of the class name. Example : IEditor.
Rule 22 : Signal

A signal name must be prefixed with sig. It should be suffixed by a past action (ex: Updated, Triggered, Cancelled, CakeCookedAndBaked). It follows other common variable naming rules (member of a class, etc...).

class Sample
    SigType::sptr m_sigImageDisplayed;
Rule 23 : Slot

A slot name must be prefixed with slot. It should be suffixed by an imperative order (Ex: Update, Run, Detach, Deliver, OpenWebBrowser, GoToFail). It follows other common variable naming rules (member of a class, etc...).

class Sample
    SlotType::sptr m_slotDisplayImage;

Coding rules


Rule 24 : Indentation

Code block indentation and bracket positioning follow the Allman style.

void function(void)
    if(x == y)
Rule 25 : Indentation of namespaces

Namespaces are an exception of the previous rule. They should not be indented.

namespace namespaceA
namespace namespaceB
} // namespace namespaceB
} // namespace namespaceA
Rule 26 : Blocks are mandatory
After a control statement (if, else, for, while/do...while, try/catch, switch, foreach, etc...), it is mandatory to open a block, whatever is the number of instructions inside the block.
Rule 27 : Scope

The keywords public, protected and private are not indented, they should be aligned with the keyword class.

class Sample

Class declaration

Recommendation 7 : Only three scope sections
When possible, use only one section of each scope type public, protected and private. They must be declared in this order.
Recommendation 8 : Group class members by type
You may group class members in each scope according to their type: type definitions, constructors, destructor, operators, variables, functions.
Rule 28 : Hide implementation
Avoid non-const public member variables except in very small classes (i.e. a 3D point). The Pimpl idiom may also be helpful to separate the implementation from the declaration.
Recommendation 9 : Hide implementation
Try to put variables as much as possible in the private section.
Rule 29 : Accessors
Since you protect your member variables from the outside, you will have to write accessors, named getXXX() and setXXX(). Getters are always const.
Rule 30 : Template class function definition

The function definition of a template class must be defined after the declaration of the class.

template < typename TYPE >
class Sample
    void function(int i);

template < typename TYPE >
inline Sample<TYPE>::function(int i)
Recommendation 10 : Separate template class function definition

In addition of the previous rule, you may put the definition of the function in a .hxx file. This file will be included in the implementation file right after the header file (the compile time will be reduced comparing with an inclusion of the .hxx in the header file itself).

#include <namespaceA/file.hpp>
#include <namespaceA/file.hxx>

Initializer list

Rule 31 : One initializer per line

In a class constructor, use the initialization list as much as possible. Place one initializer per line. Constructors of base classes should be placed first, followed by member variables. Do not specify an initializer if it is the default one (empty std::string for instance).

SampleClass::SampleClass( const std::string& name, const int value ) :
    BaseClassOne( name ),
    BaseClassTwo( name ),
    m_value( value ),
    m_misc( 10 )
Recommendation 11 : Align everything that improves readability

To improve readability, you may align members on one hand and argument lists on the other hand.

SampleClass::SampleClass( const std::string& name, const int value ) :
    BaseClassOne  ( name ),
    BaseClassTwo  ( name ),
    m_value       ( value ),
    m_misc        ( 10 )


Rule 32 : Constant reference

Whenever possible, use constant references to pass arguments of non-primitive types. This avoids useless and expensive copies.

void badFunction( std::vector<int> array )

void goodFunction( const std::vector<int>& array )
Recommendation 12 : Constant reference for shared pointers
For performance sake, it is preferable to use const& to pass arguments of type ::boost::shared_ptr. It is only useful to pass the pointer by copy if the pointer can be invalidated by an another thread during the function call. If you have any doubt, it is safer to pass the argument by copy.
Rule 33 : Constant functions

Whenever a member function should not modify an attribute of a class, it must be declared as const.

void readOnlyFunction( const std::vector<int>& array ) const
Recommendation 13 : Limit use of expression in arguments

When passing arguments, try to limit the use of expressions to the minimum.

// This is bad
function( fn1(val1 + val2 / 4 ), fn2( fn3( val3 ), val4) );

// This is better
const float res0 = val1 + val2 / 4;

const float res1 = fn1(res0);
const float res3 = fn3(val3);
const float res2 = fn2(res3, val4);

function( res1 , res2 );


Rule 34 : Enumerator labels

Each label must be placed on a single line, followed by a comma. If you assign values to labels, align values on the same column.

enum OpenFlag
    OPEN_SHARE_READ      = 1,
    OPEN_SHARE_WRITE     = 2,
    OPEN_EXISTING        = 4,
Rule 35 : Use of namespaces

You have to organize your code inside namespaces. By default, you will have at least one namespace for your module (application or bundle). Inside this namespace, it is recommended to split your code into sub-namespaces. This helps notably to prevent naming conflicts.

It is forbidden to use the expression``using namespace`` in header files but it is allowed in implementation files. It is however recommended to use aliases in this latter case.

namespace bf = ::boost::filesystem;
Rule 36 : Keyword const
Use this keyword as much as possible for variables, parameters and functions.
Recommendation 14 : Keyword auto
Use this keyword as much as possible to improve maintainability and robustness of the code.
Rule 37 : Prefer constants instead of #define
Use a static constant object or an enumeration instead of a #define. This will help the compiler to make type checking. You will also be able to check the content of the constants while debugging. You can also define a scope for them, inside the namespace, inside a class, private to a class, etc...
Rule 38 : Prefer references over pointers
When possible, use references instead of pointers, especially for function parameters. Pointer as parameter should only be used if it is considered to have a NULL pointer or when passing a C-like array. If you use a pointer, always check it if is null in the current scope before dereferencing it.
Rule 39 : Type conversion
For type conversion, use the C++ operators which are static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast. Use them wisely in the appropriate case. You may read this documentation.
Recommendation 15 : Strings to numbers/numbers to string conversion
When converting strings to numbers or numbers to string, prefer the use of boost::lexical_cast.
Recommendation 16 : Exceptions
Exceptions are the preferred mechanism to handle error notifications.
Rule 40 : Explicit integer types

When you do need a specific integer size, use type definitions declared in <cstdint>, for example :

Bits Signed Unsigned
8 int8_t uint8_t
16 int16_t uint16_t
32 int32_t uint32_t
64 int64_t uint64_t