[Tuto02DataServiceBasic] Display an image

The second tutorial represents a basic application that display a medical 3D image.



Before to read this tutorial, you should have seen :



This file describes the project information and requirements :

set( NAME Tuto02DataServiceBasic )
set( VERSION 0.1 )
set( TYPE APP )
    io # contains the interface for reader and writer.
    ioVTK # contains the reader and writer for VTK files (image and mesh).
    visuVTK # loads VTK rendering library (fwRenderVTK).
    visuVTKQt # containsthe vtk Renderer window interactor manager using Qt.
    vtkSimpleNegato # contains a visualization service of medical image.

bundleParam(appXml2 PARAM_LIST config PARAM_VALUES tutoDataServiceBasicConfig)


The Properties.cmake file of the application is used by CMake to compile the application but also to generate the profile.xml: the file used to launch the application.


This file is in the rc/ directory of the application. It defines the services to run.

<plugin id="Tuto02DataServiceBasic" version="@DASH_VERSION@">

    <!-- The bundles in requirements are automatically started when this
         Application is launched. -->
    <requirement id="dataReg" />
    <requirement id="servicesReg" />
    <requirement id="visuVTKQt" />

    <extension implements="::fwServices::registry::AppConfig2">

            <!-- In tutoDataServiceBasic, the central data object is a ::fwData::Image. -->
            <object uid="imageData" type="::fwData::Image" />

                Description service of the GUI:
                The ::gui::frame::SDefaultFrame service automatically positions the various
                containers in the application main window.
                Here, it declares a container for the 3D rendering service.
            <service uid="mainFrame" type="::gui::frame::SDefaultFrame">
                        <minSize width="800" height="600" />
                    <!-- Associate the container for the rendering service. -->
                    <view sid="myRendering" />

                Reading service:
                The <file> tag defines the path of the image to load. Here, it is a relative
                path from the repository in which you launch the application.
            <service uid="myReaderPathFile" type="::ioVTK::SImageReader">
                <inout key="image" uid="imageData" />

                Visualization service of a 3D medical image:
                This service will render the 3D image.
            <service uid="myRendering" type="::vtkSimpleNegato::SRenderer">
                <in key="image" uid="imageData" />

                Definition of the starting order of the different services:
                The frame defines the 3D scene container, so it must be started first.
                The services will be stopped the reverse order compared to the starting one.
            <start uid="mainFrame" />
            <start uid="myReaderPathFile" />
            <start uid="myRendering" />

                Definition of the service to update:
                The reading service load the data on the update.
                The render update must be called after the reading of the image.
            <update uid="myReaderPathFile" />
            <update uid="myRendering" />


For this tutorial, we have only one object ::fwData::Image and three service:
  • ::gui::frame::DefaultFrame: frame service
  • ::ioVTK::ImageReaderService: reader for 3D VTK image
  • ::vtkSimpleNegato::SRenderer: render for 3D image
The order of the elements in the configuration is important:
  1. <object>
  2. <service>
  3. <connect> (see [Tuto04SignalSlot] Signal-slot communication)
  4. <start>
  5. <update>


To avoid the <start uid="myRendering" />, the frame service can automatically start the rendering service: you just need to add the attribute start="yes" in the <view> tag.


To run the application, you must call the following line in the install or build directory:

bin/fwlauncher Bundles/Tuto02DataServiceBasic_0-1/profile.xml